

August 21, 2010

Lifestyle (lifestyle) hanging out at the cafe was very into the trend at the moment. Not only the upper classes but have penetrated all walks of life. Lifestyle will be studied in particular is on lifestyle at Starbucks Coffee Cafe. Seeing this phenomenon occurs, the author explores the themes are interested in the lifestyle of buying behavior in the cafes of Starbucks Coffee. The purpose of this study is to determine the type of respondent Lifestyle Starbucks Coffee and lifestyle to determine the effect of respondents’ purchasing behavior at Starbucks Coffe.

Data is collected by distributing questionnaires to the respondents Starbucks Coffee. The data obtained were analyzed using the approach VALS (Values and lifestyle) and data were tested using multiple linear regression analysis.


bELum Berasa Liburan

June 22, 2010

Kota Bandung…:) sangat sering dikunjungi masyarakat JAkarta dan luar kota bandung lainnya untuk menghabiskan waktu liburan bersama keluarga.Di kota kembang ini,  masih tetap digemari walaupun pada saat musim liburan bandung di landa macet total. Kadang kita heran kenapa kota ini sering menjadi tempat liburan bagi peminat nya. padahal kalau udah terlalu padat juga tidak bisa menikmati liburan dengan nyaman dan senang. Kemana mana dilanda mcet, sehingga kita lebih menghabiskan waktu di jalan karna macet. kemana-mana pun ke tempat tujuan yang ingin dicapai bisa memakan waktu seharian dan menghabiskan banyak waktu, sehingga waktupun terbuang percuma.

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Public Transportation

May 23, 2010

Transjakarta or commonly called Busway is a bus rapid transport system or the Bus Rapid Transit in Jakarta, Indonesia. The system is modeled based on the successful TransMilenio system in Bogota, Colombia. This transport is expected to help the people of Jakarta in particular to facilitate beraktfitas to achieve a common goal. For it is known that the city is the bottleneck, not Jakarta if there is no street name which stuck.

Therefore the government make transportation called the busway. At the beginning of operation, Tranjakarta experienced many problems, one of which is when the roof of one bus hit the railway tunnel. In addition, many of these buses were damaged, both doors, notice the location of bus stops, until the lights are off. Although many people remain uncomfortable using the busway as an alternative transport to avoid congestion.

But today many busway routes frequently traveled by public transportation or other personal. This is very disturbing in the smoothness of this busway. Factor travel time into one of the problems terpelik who until now could not overcome declining buswaypun Service Transjakarta bus was not reliable because the speed and accuracy of travel time in each corridor. When the bus Transjakana unable to guarantee the speed as a result of non-sterile line, the people finally vote up private cars and congestion also increases. For it is necessary to sterilize all the corridors without exception.

There are several events that often occur, one minister who ketauan car using the busway lane on the grounds there are important purposes or has been granted permission. This is a sample that is not good for society. How society should follow the rules while the exemplary conduct violation he knows it should not be made. This event has become a very warm conversation in cyberspace. Perhaps with this is to reduce public sympathy and encourage them to do the same pelanggarann.

Therefore, this should sterilize the busway route closely. Without any exception. It is also to avoid and reduce traffic accidents caused by negligence of the public who often use the busway lane.


complaint letter

April 30, 2010

General services ACER

Me as a consumer country ACER shipping for any inconvenience during the time I use this product. The problem that I faced was not operated well against peroduk ACER that I use. This is described as the failure of the operation of the program. Then in order not to aggravate my product keaadaan expected to be overcome quickly.
Hopefully, my letter to follow up immediately. In order for user convenience products ACER perceived increased and could become a useful technology for consumers.

Yours sincerely



Contoh surat (tugas)

April 3, 2010

April 3, 2010

Belinda Asher

Road. Highway Aware KAV DKI

Blok H no 1- Jagakarsa

Zip code: 26127

Dear Belinda,

On behalf of everyone here at Deerwood Resorts Ltd. I would like to sincerely congratulate you on your recent graduation from Gunadarma University ( Marketing).

I must say that I was not surprised to read of your success in the newspaper. Combine those attributes with your relentless work ethic and commitment to quality customer service, and it is obvious that you have a wide-open future ahead of you. . I can only hope that your experience working with us contributed in some small way to your success.

On behalf of the management and staff at Deerwood Resorts I wish you all the best in your future career and life endeavors, whatever they may be. Atas nama manajemen dan staf di Deerwood Resorts

Yours sincerely,

Putri Wulandari
President and CEO Presiden dan CEO


Budaya Minangkabau

March 7, 2010

Budaya Minangkabau adalah sebuah budaya yang berkembang di Minangkabau serta daerah rantau Minang. Hal ini merujuk pada wilayah di Indonesia meliputi propinsi Sumatera Barat, bagian timur propinsi Riau, bagian selatan propinsi Sumatera Utara, bagian timur propinsi Jambi, bagian utara propinsi Bengkulu, dan Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Berbeda dengan kebanyakan budaya yang berkembang di dunia, budaya Minangkabau menganut sistem matrilineal baik dalam hal pernikahan, persukuan, warisan dan sebagainya. Read the rest of this entry »


Batik, Traditional Fabric of Indonesia

March 7, 2010

Batik, Traditional Fabric of  Indonesia

It would be impossible to visit or live in Indonesia and not be exposed to one of the country’s most highly developed art forms, batik. On your first visit to a batik store or factory you will undoubtedly experience an overwhelming stimulation of the senses – due to the many colors, patterns and the actual smell of batik. Only through repeated visits and a bit of study will the types of designs and their origins become apparent.

It would be impossible to visit or live in Indonesia and not be exposed to one of the country’s most highly developed art forms, batik. On your first visit to a batik store or factory you will undoubtedly experience an overwhelming stimulation of the senses – due to the many colors, patterns and the actual smell of batik. Only through repeated visits and a bit of study will the types of designs and their origins become apparent.

The word batik is thought to be derived from the word ‘ambatik’ which translated means ‘a cloth with little dots’. The suffix ‘tik’ means little dot, drop, point or to make dots. Batik may also originate from the Javanese word ‘tritik’ which describes a resist process for dying where the patterns are reserved on the textiles by tying and sewing areas prior to dying, similar to tie dye techniques. Another Javanese phase for the mystical experience of making batik is “mbatik manah” which means “drawing a batik design on the heart”. Read the rest of this entry »


Tradisi Halloween di Amerika

March 1, 2010

Mungkin kita sering mendengar ‘ Halloween’ ini dari film barat yang sering kita tonton. Banyak film- filmnya yang mengakat tema tentang halloween ini, dalam film kartunnya pun ada yang mengkat tema halloweennya. Sebelum kita mengetahui lebih banyak tentang halloween ini, sebelumnnya kita akan mencari tau apa itu halloween itu…mungkin akan lebih seru kalau kita mengerti dari awal apa itu halloween dan bagaiamana perayaan dan juga makna dari halloween (^_^)

Dijamin seru,,,,karna kita akan mengorek tentang budaya Amerika yang sangat unik ini……

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Awas Penciuman Berkurang Tanda Awal Alzheimer

January 17, 2010

Jika sensitivitas hidung sudah melemah, sebaiknya waspada. Peneliti menyebutkan, penciuman yang berkurang merupakan pertanda awal penyakit pikun atau Alzheimer.

Studi terbaru menemukan hubungan antara berkembangnya plak protein asing beta amyloid pada otak penderita pikun awal yang merupakan penyebab penyakit Alzheimer dengan kemampuan penciuman yang semakin memburuk.

Tikus percobaan digunakan dalam studi ini. Kemampuan indera penciuman atau bagian olfaktori pada tikus umur 3 bulan (sama dengan usia orang dewasa muda) yang menderita Alzheimer dilaporkan menurun seiring berkembangnya protein beta amyloid.

“Bahkan dengan jumlah protein yang sangat sedikit pun bisa mempengaruhi kemampuan penciuman pada tikus,” ujar Daniel W Wesson dari New York University of School Medicine seperti dilansir Healthday, Kamis (14/1/2010).

Dalam jurnal Neuroscience disebutkan bahwa hasil penemuan ini bisa diterapkan untuk mengganti teknik scan otak yang biasa digunakan dalam mendeteksi penyakit hilang ingatan Alzheimer.

“Ini adalah kabar baik karena untuk melakukan diagnosa awal penyakit Alzheimer tidak perlu melakukan scan otak dulu. Dibanding scan otak dengan alat MRI, tes kemampuan olfaktori atau indera penciuman di laboratorium jauh lebih murah. Ini adalah alternatif yang cukup baik untuk mendorong seseorang melakukan tes penyakit ini tanpa harus khawatir soal harganya,” kata Wesson.

sumber: http://id.wordpress.com/tag/sebaiknya-tahu/


Penjara atau Hotel ya…???:)

January 16, 2010

Baru-baru ini kita dengar berita yang mengungkap semua kebenaran di balik layar Rumah Tahanan Pondok Bambu..(RUtan Pondok BAmbu) khususnya dan Rutan di Indonesia Pada umumnya…
Banyak hal-hal yang membuat masyarakat kaget dengan muncul nya berita tentang peristiwa yang baru baru ini dipergoki oleh Satgas Pemberantasan Mafia Hukum, Jumat malam( 9/1). Akibat dari inspeksi mendadak ini akhirnya Seluruh staf dan sipir di Rumah Tahanan Pondok Bambu, Jakarta Timur, bakal dirotasi. Sistem pengawasan juga akan dibenahi.
Untuk mencerminkan hukum di indonesia harus ditegakkan hal ini mesti dilakukan. karna yang bersalah tetap harus di beri sanksi.Agar kejadian ini tidak terulang dan semakin parah. Dengan kejadian ini juga dapat menyadarkan semua pihak bahwa hal demikian dapat merusak moral bangsa kita sendiri.